Please read through this webpage for information about ESSER and to find important next steps for providing feedback on MRPS’s proposal for how to spend ESSER III funds.

SDD is currently seeking feedback on our APRP ESSER (ESSER III) plan. Please scroll down to “How to Engage in the Process” below. 


What special federal grants has the district received during COVID?

Starting with the arrival of COVID-19 in March of 2020, schools across the country began to face challenges they could not have possibly anticipated. To help assist schools to navigate the pandemic, the federal government provided multiple waves of assistance in the form of several grant programs for schools.

What does ESSER stand for and what are these grants for?

The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund is a federal formula grant managed by the Vermont Agency of Education (AOE). The funds are distributed by the AOE as one-time emergency aid subgrants to school districts by a formula based on Title I, Part A allocations. These ESSER funds were distributed in separate waves: ESSER I, ESSER II, and ESSER III. Each has unique restrictions and timetables for use.

What is Title I?

Title I is one of a set of annual federal grants that SSD receives that are collectively known as the Consolidated Federal Program (CFP). Title I is designed to help provide all children a significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps. Springfield School District receives Title I funding each year.

How were the three waves of funding different?

  • ESSER I, also known as Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) ESSER funds. SSD received: $887,822

  • ESSER II, an expansion of CARES ESSER funds and with the addition of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRPSA) funds. SSD received: $3,222,584

  • ESSER III, also known as the American Rescue Plan (ARP) ESSER funds. SSD received: $7,244,393

Another helpful resource to understand the difference between these funds is this U.S. Department of Education Fact Sheet.

What decision did the district make in relation to ESSER I & ESSER II funds?

The District Seeks "Meaningful Consultation" on ESSER III (ARP ESSER)

The decision on how to send ESSER III (ARP ESSER) funds will be informed by reaching out to our stakeholders. APR ESSER (ESSER III) Public Plan built by the administrative team in consultation with the school board.


1) Review this document to understand the rules for ARP ESSER (ESSER III) spending

2) Review the APR ESSER (ESSER III) Public Plan.



3) Provide feedback on the plan concepts by utilizing participating in this ThoughtExchange by March 23rd.