SSD School Health Forms
August 13, 2024
Greetings from the Springfield School District Health Offices:
Hello Cosmos! We hope everyone is enjoying their summer. The new 2024-2025 school year will soon be upon us, and we have some exciting new options for families in our school district. The Springfield School District (SSD) will now offer a Health Office portal on their website. Families can now access and download important forms such as the annual Health Cards, permission forms to carry epipens and albuterol, forms for prescription medications, and a form for other over-the-counter medications that we may not have in the health offices. The goal is to improve parent/guardian access to these forms, as well as improve our ability to care for your child in a timely manner. We know how frustrating it can be to have these forms get lost in transit from school to home and back again.
In addition, the Health Offices have been working to try to improve communication with families as well as ensuring compliance with Vermont state requirements for student health management. The SNAP Health Portal is the Electronic Health Record (EHR) the SSD Health Offices use to manage student’s medical needs, track immunization compliance, monitor ongoing treatments, and record medication administration. The SNAP Health Portal offers options to help bolster communication with parents and guardians to ensure children have access to treatments and prn medications when they need it most. Since this is a change, we decided to keep it streamlined and user-friendly (hopefully). Riverside Middle School (RMS) will pilot these changes.
It’s important to note that each school will be rolling out these exciting changes in a slightly different way. Your child’s school will notify you when they begin to roll out the program, and you will receive instructions on how to access your student’s health portal. Please be patient as each Health Office figures out how best to roll it out to their families based on their needs and comfort levels. We look forward to working with you in the 2024-2025 school year. Enjoy the rest of your summer and we thank you in advance for your patience.